Áindle and Aliyah
& Chewy
Baron and Baroness of the Court of Dag and AnneMarie
Within these pages you can find information about who we are, what we are doing, what North Woods and the Midrealm are all about and some of the opportunities to join us in the Dream! This was our site as Territorial Baron and Baroness of North Woods so the history of our tenure dwells in these pages.
The next event we are planning to attend is Baroness Wars XI & Tournament of Arts
Baroness Aliyah is continuing to hold the Crafternoons the first Sunday of the Month at the CoBACH Center, 202 W Main St, Brighton, MI
We came to the end of our service to the Crown and Barony as Baron and Baroness of North Woods. On April 1, 2023 at Pentamere Academy of Defense Baroness Gwenllyen the Minstrel (Janet Scheltema) and The Honorable Lady Morgaine nic Fhrannsaidh (Theresa Catalano-Reinhardt) succeeded us as Territorial Baronesses of North Woods.
We will continue to post what we plan to attend above. We welcome you to join us in the Current Middle Ages at the listed events. Just come by and say hello! Unlike a Renaissance Fair, SCA events are not just something you come to watch, they are something you actively do. Just do not be surprised for if it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, the odds are you will find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it! For more visit the Newcomer's Portal.
Note: Events require you make an attempt at medieval colothing (or Garb). At most events there is loaner Garb available for those who do not have their own garb or just want to see what we are about. Just ask at the gate where you pay the entry fee and they will direct you to the "Gold Key".
For where we have been and what we have done as Baron and Baroness of North Woods, as well as the courts we have attended since; see our Court Reports.
Below is the link to the courts we held during CoVid when in public events were not allowed.
North Woods Golden Dream
The invitation we sent to the Knowne World:
Salutations unto the Dragon Throne and greetings unto the people of the Known World from Áindle O'Diarmada and Alianor bat Asriel - Baron and Baroness of North Woods.
Whereas, the Barony of North Woods - having been established in A.S. V - has stood the tests of time and borne witness to 50 years of history then survived more than two years of plague do we still stand for the glory of the Midrealm.
Now know that we desire to recognize the history, hospitality, talents, accomplishments, and generosity of the people of North Woods.
We give you a warm invitation so you may come to us, to make this special time more enjoyable by your arrival if you are present. 1
Give greetings to your most dear as we hope to prosper and hail.1
Golden Dream
The Barony of North Woods' 50th Anniversary
Festivities began on the evening of the Feast of St. Martin of Tours Friday, 11 November 2022 [Patron of the poor, soldiers, conscientious objectors, tailors, and winemakers]
Tournaments - Prizes - Fellowship fill the Feast Day of St. Astericus Saturday, 12 November 2022 [Born in Bohemia; negotiated the recognition of Hungary by Pope Sylvester II]
The celebration concluded on the Feast of St Brice Sunday, 13 November 2022 [Raised by St. Martin of Tours and known for his profound repentance which lead to great humility]
Held at the Emrich Retreat Center - 7380 Teahen Rd, Brighton, MI 48116
1 Wording is based on the oldest extant birthday invitation. It was written from one sister to another, discovered in 1973 at an archaeological site in Vindolanda Fort, Northumberland, England. It was written approximately A.D. 100.
About Us
Alianor bat Asriel
AKA Baroness Aliyah
Baroness of the Court of Dag and AnneMarie
Apprentice to Mistress Dulcinea Maria Magdelena von Muhlberg y Aguilar
Áindle ÓDiarmada
Baron of the Court of Dag and AnneMarie
Monsieur le Dent aka Chewy
On the sixth day of the week, the twenty-fourth day of the month of June in the year of our Lord, Jesus Christ, one thousand two-hundred eighty-one, the era according to which we reckon here in the village of Howell, Aliyah bat Asriel ben Gilead graciously wed Áindle ÓDiarmada. Due to circumstances that Áindle welcomed after Aliyah had burned his breakfast, dinner and supper for a week, they got married with just 3 weeks preparation.
Baronial Awards we presented to recognize the achievements of the North Woods populace
On the occasion of the Coronation of TRM A'kos and Bella, the Howling Wolf was established. This is to be the highest award of the Barony of North Woods.
At The Grand Tour, the Award of the Shimmering Leaf was established. This is an Arts and Sciences award.
The Pentamere Academy of Defense saw the establishment of the Award of the Biting Wolf. This is a Martial Arts award. The rapier fighters were the first recipients, with the premier Armored fighters receiving their awards at Tyger Hunt.
At the 24th Anniversary of the Battle of the Inland Seas, the Award of the Barred Owl was established as a Target Sports Award. This includes thrown weapons, archery and siege weapons.
At the Call of the Waterhorse, The Award of the Wind Swept Path was established as a Service Award.
At the IronWolf Christmas party, the Award of the Blue Moon was established for those rare individuals who consistently go above and beyond in serving the Barony.
At the June 2020 North Woods Home Court, the Award of the Golden Trope was established for recognition of contributions, accomplishments, and inspiration in music .
At Smurf Shoot 2021, the Award of the Golden Pearl was established. The Golden Pearl is a tribute to the unceasing care, devotion, energy, kindness, giving, and love that shines like a rare gem within our Barony for each other.
For more on these awards, see the Awards page link below.
We are part of the SCA.
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat and culture. The lives of participants are enriched as we gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events. The SCA community includes over 30,000 members in 20 kingdoms around the globe. Our participants learn about the arts, skills, and culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in an atmosphere of fun, through tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, classes, hands-on workshops, and more. - Taken from the home page of the SCA.We will continue to post what events we plan to attend in the What we are doing missive. We welcome you to join us in the Current Middle Ages at the listed events. Unlike a Renaissance Fair, SCA events are not just something you come to watch, they are something you actively do. Just do not be suprised as if it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, the odds are you will find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it! For more visit the Newcomer Portal.
Note: Events require you make an attempt at medieval colothing (or Garb). At most events there is loaner Garb available for those who do not have their own garb or just want to see what we are about. Just ask at the gate where you pay the entry fee and they will direct you.
Middle Kingdom
We are located in the Middle Kingdom.
The Midrealm, is the third oldest kingdom in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Properly known as the Middle Kingdom, it consists of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, part of Kentucky, a nip of Iowa, and a bit of Ontario.WealdLake
The Barony of North Woods is composed of smaller local groups called Cantons. We are members of the Canton of WealdLake.
For more complete version of events in our area, see the WealdLake calendar.
North Woods
The Kingdom of the Middle is made of many baronies and Shires. We were Baron and Baroness of the Barony of North Woods.
The Cantons of North Woods are currently:
Our vision for North Woods we used for our time of service:
We are proud to be members of the Premiere Barony of the Middle Kingdom. Sometimes what comes first falls behind and we feel that this has happened, quite unintentionally, to North Woods. It is our hope to be instrumental in restoring that which is North Woods, to polish her until she shines as an inspiration so she may stand proud in Service to the Dream.
Neighboring Baronies (in the mitten of Michigan aka Pentamere)
Greetings unto all the Cantons of North Woods!
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of North Woods, we had two champions for each category. Due to the suspension of activities during the plague that occurred in our tenure, we retained our champions until we stepped down.
North Woods 50th Golden Champions:
Thrown Weapons Champions: Master Nigellus le Paite and lady Brutis of Altenberg
Armored Champions: Sir Einarr Dunwulf Björnsson and Captain Bjarg Kormaksson
Archery Champion: Lord Ivarr of Altenberg and Lady Brynn Archer
Arts & Sciences Champion: Mistress Baroness Dulcinea Maria Magdalena Von Muhlberg y Aguilar and The Honorable Lady Siri Toivosdotter
Service Champion: Mistress Antoinette de Martel and The Honorable Lady Damiana Isabel Cardona
Rapier Champion: Master Maximilian Der Zauberer and Lord Horatio Archer
Added this year - Equestrian Champion: Lady Helena Falkenstein
Baronial Champions Page Includes list of our baronial champions, what we expect from our baronial champions, and the schedule for announcing champions/champion tournaments.