Baronial Awards

  • Order of the Howling Wolf
  • Award of the Shimmering Leaf
  • Award of the Biting Wolf
  • Award of the Barred Owl
  • Award of the Wind Swept Path
  • Award of the Blue Moon
  • Award of the Golden Trope
  • Award of the Golden Pearl

  • Order of the Howling Wolf

    Let it be known that on this, the XXIX day of September, A.S. LIII, on the occasion of the Coronation of TRM A'Kos and Bella of the Middle Kingdom, that the Order of the Howling Wolf was established and is to be considered the Highest Honor of the Barony of North Woods.

    Induction into this Order shall be based on the candidate's history of comportment, participation in, service to, and support of the Barony of North Woods and its Cantons.

    The induction of Companions into this Order is at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness of North Woods with recommendations from the populace and support of the Order. After the induction of the Premier Companions, this Order will be considered a Polling Order.

    Whereas, from the beginning of time we have recognized honor, virtue,leadership, and service with sundry tributes and remembrances, so let such be recognized now. Numerous commendable actions, done repeatedly and for a significant period of time, benefitting the Barony of North Woods and its Cantons, and thus for the good of the Middle Kingdom, have been the contributions of these nobles gentles to the Dream. Words alone are insufficient to express our gratitude and thanks for their devotion, loyalty, and deeds. It is, therefore, only fitting that they be recognized for their efforts with the highest honor the Barony of North Woods has to offer.

    We are immensely pleased to welcome

    Master Nigellus leHaite, OP
    The Honorable Lady Katherine of Deva
    Hawkland Moor

    The Honorable Captain Bjarg Kormakson

    Dame Kriemhilt von Ebersberg, OP
    Fearann na Criche

    The Honorable Lord Finnian McFinn

    Lady Celestria de Cranham

    into the Order of the Howling Wolf
    as the Premier Companions of the Order

    Upon the recommendation of the Companions of the Order, we are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Companions of the Order of the Howling Wolf.

    Baroness Dulcinea Maria Magdalena von Muhlberg y Aguilar, OL (4th Baroness of North Woods)
    Baron Odo de Eu, OL (3rd Baron of North Woods)
    Baron Angus Gove MacKinnon (2nd Baron of North Woods)
    Baroness Ciara McRobbie, OP (3rd Baroness of North Woods)
    Mistress Anthoinette de Martel, OL


    Award of the Shimmering Leaf

    Let it be known that on this, the XXVII day of October, Anno Societatis LIII, at The Grand Tour - A Taste of Thirteenth Century Europe, the Award of the Shimmering Leaf was established as an Arts and Sciences Award of the Barony of North Woods.

    Recipients of this award are being honored for their research, trials, accomplishments, and/or contributions within the Arts and Sciences community of their Canton, the Barony of North Woods, and thus also to the Middle Kingdom and The Dream. Whereas, these noble gentles of North Woods have given of their time, skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity in pursuit and support of the Arts and Sciences; they are most worthy and deserving of acclaim and honor. We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as the Premier Recipients of the Award of the Shimmering Leaf:

    Gwenllyen the Minstrel
    Hawkland Moor - Music and Dance / Penta Pentamere

    JahanAra bint al-Yehya Amat al-Hafeeza
    Ealdnordwuda - Research and Support

    Octavio Gonzalez de Castile
    Wealdlake - Leatherwork (posthumously)

    Arriss End Starre
    Fearann na Criche - Cooking

    Thorfin Solvarson
    Altenberg - Leatherwork and Brewing

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Shimmering Leaf.

    Helena Falkenstein
    Dulcinea Maria Magdalena von Muhlberg y Aguilar
    Anthoinette de Martel
    Gwynneth Featherstone
    Fujinami no Kaede
    Gedryn von Eisenwulf
    Cailin mac Aindeis
    Horatio Archer
    Brynn Archer
    Ivarr of Altenberg
    Helena Falkenstein
    Sadb ingen Neill
    Noelle of Fearann Na Creiche
    SaehildR barngodR

    Award of the Biting Wolf

    Let it be known that on this, the XI day of May, Anno Societatis LIV, at the Pentamere Academy of Defense, the Award of the Biting Wolf was established as a Martial Arts Award of the Barony of North Woods.

    Recipients of this award are being honored for their research, trials, accomplishments, and/or contributions within the Martial Arts community of their Canton, the Barony of North Woods, and thus also to the Middle Kingdom and The Dream. Whereas, these noble gentles of North Woods have given of their time, skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity in pursuit and support of the Martial Arts; they are most worthy and deserving of acclaim and honor. We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as the Premier Recipients of the Award of the Biting Wolf:


    Alice the Bard
    Hawkland Moor

    Brigida Alderotti

    Kata Aragunnrsdottir

    Lambert de Penrith

    Morgan End Starre
    Fearann na Criche


    Nyilas Kazmer
    Hawkland Moor

    Bjarg Kormaksson

    Schwartz Wilhelm Von Eisenburg Auf Odra

    Ruric Brathlidski
    Fearann na Criche

    Orn of Altenberg

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Biting Wolf. (This award may be received more than once.)

    Aldrick Blackstone
    Osric Eisenwulf
    Sugawara No Tokinira
    Noelle de la Plume
    Vigfuss Mjoksiglandi
    Sophie of Ironwolf
    Vigfuss Mjoksiglandi
    Nyilas Kazmer
    Oshin al-Armani
    Helena Falkenstein
    Sugawara no Tokihira
    Michael McCay
    Lucien Featherstone
    Rurik Brathlidski
    Morgan End Starre
    Ingvar the Red
    Criomhthann CuRua
    Vigfuss Mjoksiglandi


    Award of the Barred Owl

    Let it be known that on this, the XVIII day of May, Anno Societatis LIV, at the 24th Anniversary of the Battle of the Inland Seas, the Award of the Barred Owl was established as a Target Sports Award of the Barony of North Woods.

    Recipients of this award are being honored for their research, trials, accomplishments, and/or contributions within the Siege Weapons, Thrown Weapons and Archery community of their Canton, the Barony of North Woods, and thus also to the Middle Kingdom and The Dream. Whereas, these noble gentles of North Woods have given of their time, skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity in pursuit and support of the Target Weapon Community; they are most worthy and deserving of acclaim and honor. We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as the Premier Recipients of the Award of the Barred Owl:

    Gwenllyen the Minstrel
    Maximilian der Zauberer
    Hawkland Moor

    Kestral Altara von Barton
    Thrown Weapons

    Petrella VonEisenburg Auf Odra
    Siege Weapons

    Roderick MacCraken
    Archery and Siege
    Fearann na Criche

    Ivarr of Altenberg
    Archery and Thrown Weapons

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Barred Owl:

    Nigellus leHaie
    Katherine of Deva
    Horatio Archer
    Everon FitzGerald
    Ruric Brathlidski
    Rosetta Glendrake
    Eravon FitzGerald
    Endlin von Baden


    Award of the Wind Swept Path

    Let it be known that on this, the XXIV day of August, Anno Societatis LIV, at the Eleventh Call of the Waterhorse, The Award of the Wind Swept Path was established as a Service Award for the Barony of North Woods.

    Recipients of this award are being honored for their trials, accomplishments, and/or contributions in service to their Canton, the Barony of North Woods, and thus also to the Middle Kingdom and The Dream. Whereas, these noble gentles of North Woods have given of their time, skills, talents, knowledge, and creativity in service to the SCA Community; they are most worthy and deserving of acclaim and honor. We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as the Premier Recipients of the Award of the Wind Swept Path:

    Michael McKay
    Hawkland Moor

    Gwynneth Featherstone

    SaehildR barngodR

    Vigfuss Mjoksiglandi
    Fearann na Criche

    Dahlia of Altenburg

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Wind Swept Path.

    Owen MacDonald
    Jervisa Wainwright
    Thomas Pickinganewname
    Lucien Featherstone
    Kalita Endstarre
    Aine ÓConnail
    Odo de Eu
    Maximilian der Zauberer
    Damiana Isabel Cardona
    Brigida Alderotti
    Odelia of White Waters
    Morgan End Starre
    Celestria de Cranham
    Morgaine NicFhrannsaidh
    Gwenllyn the Minstrel
    Gwynneth Featherstone
    Aine Óconnail
    Kriemhilt von Ebersberg
    Faoiltigherna ni Bhroain
    SaehildR barngodR
    Celestria de Cranham
    Caitilin Logan
    Paiva Kaukotar
    Alexander Medeley
    Wolfger Silberbar
    SaehildR barngodR
    Lucien Featherstone
    Nigellus leHaie
    Rurik Brathlidski
    Caecilia Desiderata
    Catherine of Deva
    Jahan Ara bint al-Yehya amat al-Hafeeza
    SaehildR barngodR
    Alexander Medley
    Thorfin Solvarson
    Siri Toivosdotter
    Odelia of White Waters
    Aine Óconnail
    Jervisa Wainwright
    Keera of Altenberg
    Lady Guda Fuchs
    Lambert de Penrith
    Mieczko the Swift of Jaroslaw
    Criomhthann CuRua


    Award of the Blue Moon

    Let it be known that on this VI day of December, AS LIV, at the Ironwolf Holiday Gathering in the Canton of Wealdlake, in the Barony of North Woods, do we, Áindle ÓDiarmada and Aliyah bat Asriel, Baron and Baroness of North Woods, do hereby establish the Award of the Blue Moon.

    The Blue Moon is a rare thing and rarity is often considered desirable and valuable. The Award of the Blue Moon is give at the discretion of the Baron and Baroness of North Woods to an individual whom they consider to be rare, desirable, and valuable; worthy of recognition and deserving of honor for deeds, skills, accomplishments, attitudes, character, and integrity. It is an award to be given in a manner in keeping with its name and intent.

    Let all assembled hear these words and know them to be true. There is among us one who has given of themselves repeatedlyto a level that is beyond that which is otherwise seen.
    For repeatedly standing as a Baronial Champion
    For repeatedly defending the Honor and Glory of Kingdom and Barony
    For teaching those who ask
    For leading those who will follow
    For guiding and instilling confidence in those who will lead
    For giving counsel, care, and support where and when needed
    For creating and maintaining
    For inspiring
    For being a rarity

    We present this award and name as
    The Premiere Recipient of the Award of the Blue Moon:
    Osric von Eisenwulf

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Blue Moon.

    Brigida Alderotti
    Nigellus leHaite
    Katherine of Deva


    Award of the Golden Trope

    Let it be known that on this XXVI day of June, AS LV, at the June North Woods Home Court in the Ethereal Realm in the Barony of North Woods, do we, Áindle ÓDiarmada and Aliyah bat Asriel, Baron and Baroness of North Woods, do hereby establish the Award of the Golden Trope.

    In June 2020, North Woods suddenly lost one of its very talented musicians to cancer. We feel that we were just beginning to see how much this noble man had to offer. He was quiet and avoided the limelight, but he was gifted in so many ways and he was starting to blossom. We don’t want his gift or his memory to be forgotten. It is with great sadness of heart but joy in the doing, that we present Lord Cailin’s Golden Trope Award for contributions, accomplishments, and inspiration in music.

    In the most simple terms, a music Trope is a musical or lyrical addition or substitution. Lord Cailin was most certainly an addition. In his memory, it is with great sadness of heart but joy in the doing, that we present Lord Cailin’s Golden Trope Award for contributions, accomplishments, and inspiration in music.

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Premiere Recipients of the Award of the Golden Trope:

    Siri Toivosdotter
    Beline Nervenartz
    Angus Folksinger

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Recipients of the Award of the Golden Trope.

    Gwenllyen the Minstrel


    Award of the Golden Pearl

    Let it be known that on this first day of August, AS LVI, at Smurf Shoot at House Applegarth in the Riding of Hawkland Moor in the Barony of North Woods, do we, Áindle ÓDiarmada and Aliyah bat Asriel, Baron and Baroness of North Woods, do hereby establish the Award of the Golden Pearl.

    Over the past many months, the Knowne World has been held hostage by plague. Many have fallen ill and souls have been lost. The Golden Pearl is a tribute to the unceasing care, devotion, energy, kindness, giving, and love that shines like a rare gem within our Barony.

    One of the icons of North Woods was recently taken from us, Mistress Grazia Geralda. Nearby friends were there for her for in more ways than there is room to list. Far away friends came to help as well both before and after her passing.

    We are honored to recognize the following gentles of North Woods as Premiere Recipients of the Award of the Golden Pearl:

    Ciara McRobbie and Angus MacKinnon
    Gwynnyd of York and Dickson Sailor
    Catherine Aimee le Moyne de Bretagne and Timothy Garagchan o'Leitrim
    Artemisia Lacebrayder and Nyilas Kazmer
    Catherine of Deva and Nigellus le Haie

    We are honored to recognize the following gentle of North Woods as Recipient of the Award of the Golden Pearl.

    Lucia Greenstone
